I love this about their neighborhood. I heard the music, grabbed my purse, the camera and hollered for everyone to come!!! ( reminds me of being a little girl)
He has a great selection and although it was almost dinner time, we all got some kind of ice cream and it DIDN'T ruin our dinner. ( whoever told us that was way wrong)
She likes her "horse-slobber"bar. That's what Daddy used to call these with the kids when they were little. The name stuck.
Z chose one of their specialty ice cream pops. The ice cream man said it was the first day they were selling them and we were the first to buy it. Of course, he said this, after the purchase but, it was a good taste for Z.( and no, his ear lobes are not bleeding)
Daddy got an orange cream 'sicle. I tried it too, it was good. I went for the traditionally plain chocolate fudge bar. I don't venture out much on ice cream flavors. Like to play it safe.
His bar had super powers of turning his tongue every color in the rainbow all at the same time.
The next door neighbor's Doggy even came over hoping for some desert!
What a blessing to spend a little extra time with the people who love us more than anyone else in the world ( besides Jesus, of course) and the feeling is completely mutual. They are the best and we all love them and then we miss them when it's time to come home.
Monday, May 3, 2010
There's No Place Like Home
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