My Grandaddy, Aaron Lee Creel. We share the same middle name. My Dad, my son and my cousin share his first name. Also my daughter shares his middle name.

I love theses pictures of him while he was serving in the Armed Forces. I only have photos of him as his life was cut short on July the 4th, 1963. He was a Deputy Sheriff in a small north Florida town and the evil in one of the prisoners heart cost him his life. He was 41 years old. I wonder what it would have been like to know him and to have him around while growing up. I think about how everyones life would have been different if he would not have been killed.

I remember him the most on July 4th. But, I also am thankful for the freedom and the opportunities that the Lord has provided for all of us living in the United States of America. I pray God's protection and peace for all those serving our country now and for their families.
Here's my flag made out of shells and old rusty nails I found at Shell Point Beach a couple of summers ago. Happy Birthday, America! And one day, I'll meet you, Grandaddy Creel!