He turned 18 this year. It happened so quickly. The time flew because we were having fun. Every age he has been, we have enjoyed more than we can describe. When he was 3, his favorite song was SHOULD'VE BEEN A COWBOY and he would argue you in the ground about his ownership of that song. It was so funny. He came to us as a complete gift from God after a miscarriage and after losing a baby boy. He was meant to be here to be a part of our family.

We shared him with so many others and he was the little buddy to all of these little cuties parents when they were just teenagers. They all helped us give him a surprise party this year!

Last Monday, he called, he had been in a wreck. No Mom anywhere wants to get that phone call. But, we praise the Lord for protecting him and only having the car be broken. We know God has a special plan for his life. He's survived a wreck with his brother, his sister and now just him. THANK YOU, JESUS!

Happy Birthday to my 9 lb, 15 oz baby boy who is turning into a wonderful young man. I love you and look forward to spending many more birthdays with you!