I found this old lamp. It was headed for the trash. It's so old that the plug on it won't even fit in to the new house plugs. I was about to dump it and then a light bulb went off in my head. And let me tell you, that just doesn't happen everyday! Ha!

A couple of weeks ago, I was waited to have our pool water tested at Pinch a Penny and I saw these cool pool towel holders that they had for sale. I thought they were so cool! They were made out of PVC pipe and you could have all your towels hanging right there and then I thought,
50 dollars?
50 dollars??
Needless to say, I didn't get one. I thought to myself, I might could make one somehow. Then I totally forgot about it.

This old, heavy brass lamp came into my life.
And I thought, hmmm.......pool towel holder?
Pool towel holder!!!!

So, I took out the lamp parts and gave it a few coats of spray paint. And now, we have our very own and it works great, looks great and holds 4 towels.

My Grandprincess was napping while all this transpired and when she woke up and came outside she said..... "Oh, there's Lumiere!"
(You know, the candle stick from Beauty and the Beast.)
I loved it!
Our towel holder has the perfect name.

See him in action? He does his job very well!

So the next time you see something old and junky and are about to trash it, think outside the box a little and you may find something awesome inside there!