Something Beautiful
We started a ministry outreach to those in need this summer. Two times a month anyone who is needy can come and recieve food, clothing, shoes, some medical treatment, prayer, etc. It is an awesome time to serve others and bless others.
I have been overwhelmed at seeing how many people are coming just to serve. The first time we had 100 volunteers and each time there have been around 50 or so. Amazing. These people are sweating for Jesus and serving with a smile. It has just been way cool to see and be a part of.
Even my little Grandprincess came and gave some teddy bears to a little baby who is in that car seat. No one is too young or too old to come and help.
In the cleaning out of our storage room, I came upon three old trays that belonged to my Grannie Creel. Black laquer, oriental, a little old, dusty and out of date. BUT, they were hers and so I wanted to keep them around but, freshen them up a little.
So, you can see the afters. A little sanding, some primer, some paint, some jute, some stenciling and Grannies trays look new and awesome!
I'm going to give this one to my Mom so she can have something of Grannies.
And this one I gave to my Aunt who is Grannies only daughter. I think she really liked it and I really enjoyed making something pretty out of something well, well, something not so pretty. I think it's a lot like Jesus, taking us, we are a mess and he can and does make something beautiful out of us. Wow. I'll never stop being amazed at that.
LOVE Fleur-des-lys. They are my favorites!!!
ReplyDeleteI love them too but, hate it when I try to say it!!!! I sound soo...sooo