My name is a water bottle label. Okay, it's not a really beautiful song like Barry Manilows, "Mandy" but, wow!
Here's the sad, sad story .
As a little girl, my name was not one of the common cool names like Michelle, Terri, Judy, Robyn... I could go on and on. How many times did I see my friends with their cool little nametags on their bikes and long for one of my own. You could not find Jana on anything. I wanted something with my name on it so desparately that I vowed "My kids will have more common names and they will have a necklace, a bracelet, a bike tag, anything that says it!" And I definanly kept that vow with the kids names. Now, isn't that a strange thing? Don't know why it was so important to me but, alas, I was young.
As I have grown, I have given that obsession up and I love that my parents gave me a unique name that I really don't share with too many other people. Did you know that my name is in the Bible? Yep, Luke 3:24. It's in the lineage of Jesus. When my daughter in law walked in and showed me this bottle water with my name on it, I nearly danced a jig. How about that? I have my own water label. I had no idea. I am shocked and very happy about it. She found it at a grocery store in South Georgia. I am sure it's the tastiest water EVER. And I think it was worth the wait to finally have my name on something. I hope the check from all these sales comes in soon. Jana needs a new pair of shoes.
As a little girl, my name was not one of the common cool names like Michelle, Terri, Judy, Robyn... I could go on and on. How many times did I see my friends with their cool little nametags on their bikes and long for one of my own. You could not find Jana on anything. I wanted something with my name on it so desparately that I vowed "My kids will have more common names and they will have a necklace, a bracelet, a bike tag, anything that says it!" And I definanly kept that vow with the kids names. Now, isn't that a strange thing? Don't know why it was so important to me but, alas, I was young.
Cool! Melia has the same problem with her name. It is never on a cute mug or barrettes, etc.