I think Fall is my favorite season. We had a cool front that really
put me in the mood. Here is our porch decorated for fall.

I think I know why I love the fall pumpkins and decorations so much.
It's because you can be tacky and it's okay! The more the merrier!

My Mom made this wreath for me last fall and
I couldn't wait to hang it up again this year.
Love, love it!

Okay, there's nothing you have to Beware of
at our house and we don't want anyone to
keep out. The signs were in the dollar bin at
Target and we just thought they were cute!

My mom brought down the mums from NC.
They always look better when she picks them.

The fireplace is welcoming the cooler weather.
Since it's a gas fireplace, I should have turned on the
logs for these photos. But, you can get the general

Some autumn leaves, some orangey candles, some fake fruits,
and a few other accessories. That mirror used to be gold but,
my Diva friend darkened it for me. I also have my two
AnnaLee dolls up there and they just make it happy!

This is the foyer table. Again, candles and fall leaves and
a few pumpkins and we're all set to go.

Fall colors are so warm and welcoming and I am pretty sure
they are my favorite, right now.

These little guys were a Target clearance
way back in the day. Like 1.88 each. They have
been around forever.

Some fake fruit in a cloche that I redid from my Grannies
things. I painted it black and painted a candle holder black to
sit it on. I like it.

Another grapevine pumpkin and some candles.

This is the hall bathroom. Just a few little things to make it
fun when you have to use it.

Notice the witch sign. It made us laugh in the store. You
can switch out the "in" or "out" and lets face it, sometimes
she is "in".

My sense of humor hanging in the bathroom.

This just makes me smile.

Another reason to love fall........cute clothes
for the cutest little girl in the world.

Awww.......my Baby Boy and his baby girl!!!
Be still my heart.

She was just too cute in her little Halloween
Dress not to take a picture this morning.

Oh how I love her.

Here she is in another cute suit with her

cowboy boots................. She is so fun!!!
Happy, Happy fall to all!!
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