Sunday, April 17, 2011

Time Marches On

How cool to have a friend that you were really a friend with before you were ever born!

My friend and I were expecting at the same time. Ryan was born in January and Michael in May. They were best buddies for years. I loved watching them play together. They took care of each other. Stood up for each other. They took Taekwondo together. They collected baseball cards together. They laughed a lot! They went to the beach together and then slept with their cute little sunburns the whole way home.
They were in Royal Rangers together.

Once Michael got in big trouble with their teacher for helping Ryan with the answers behind the teachers back.

And they helped each other pass all the steps to get their badges.

And they had the same taste in clothes!

( This was Easter Sunday one year.)

And then we moved to another church and the boys didn't see each other as much. And as they grew into teens, less and less. But, they had a friendship that was so special and a couple of weeks ago, we got to see Ryan again.
And here they are. Grown men. Still friends. Michael and Ryan.

Very cool.

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