This is a book from Michael's childhood. Not just any book, his most read, most favorite book. Fireman Critter. If I only had a dollar for everytime we read it. It has been around for a long time. Rachel loved it and Zac too and even my nephew, Eli.

It was a Christmas gift when he was two years old. I have always written names and dates on everything for the kiddos.

Here is my Dad ( Poppa) reading it to the kids when they were four and two. We were on vacation in the mountains and I guess we even took that book with us on our trip.

Here is my Dad now reading the very same book to his great grandaughter. How fun is that? He should still have the book memorized, right? She loves this book and always says, "this was my Daddy's book when he was little."

This is a book that was mine back in the day and it is now, Kissy's very favorite story to read at naptime ( long with Fireman Critter).

So, inside I had written my ownership of this book and I was amazed at what I found. See how I spelled Jana? It makes perfect sense. My little grandprincess calls me "Nay" but, looks like I had already named myself that. See J "NAA". Oh my grandmother name was fortold way back in the 60's. I just love that.

See how worn it is. I am so glad my Mom had saved it.

Look at the publishing date. 1967. And it's still being read daily. How special to me to have things like this to pass down to the next generation. I love books!
My favorite childhood book was a Little Golden Book called The Little Mommy. It started out, "This is my house and I am the Mommy. My children are Annabelle, Betsy, and Bonnie." I still have other little lines memorized. We would still have it if one of my siblings hadn't left it outside in the rain. I hope at some point to pick up a reprint.